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A recent Fortune study* of 143 CEOs showed that 79% are convinced that AI can improve efficiencies, with many experimenting with industry specific AI technologies.

As a leader at a Destination Management Company or Inbound Tour Operator, you understand the challenges of managing bookings, quotes, and client expectations. However, recognizing the scale of these issues and knowing the right solutions can make a significant difference to your bottom line. Here are five signs that AI could be the game-changer your operations team needs.

1. Operations Team Members Regularly Complain About Manual Data Entry

If your team is frequently voicing frustrations about the repetitive nature of manual data entry, it's a clear sign that they are being under-utilised. Highly trained travel experts shouldn't be spending 10 minutes looking up packages and product ID’s when an AI can do this 20x faster. ItineraryAssist AI can automate the mundane tasks in the itinerary creation process, freeing your team to focus on the customer experience, increased throughput and profit per booking.

2. Clients Are Converting Less on Your Quotes

A decrease in conversion rates is often a symptom of slow and inefficient quoting processes. How many quotes that you respond to after 24 hours actually turn into revenue? ItineraryAssist AI dramatically reduces the time it takes to generate quotes, enhancing your response time and increasing your chances of converting inquiries into bookings.

3. FITs Growth Opportunities Are Ignored Because They’re Too Hard

Family and Independent Travelers represent a lucrative but often complex market segment. If your team finds it too challenging to cater to FITs due to the complexity and time required to customize their itineraries, it might be a sign that you’re not enabling your team with the right tools for the job. ItineraryAssist AI automates the manual processes involved where requests don’t automatically go into your booking system, allowing your team to efficiently manage and capitalize on FIT requests.

4. The Operations Manager is Spread Thin

An overburdened Operations Manager struggling to balance improving quote consistency and maintaining high customer service levels is a red flag. Itinerary Assist AI ensures that quotes are consistent, accurate, and quickly generated, thereby allowing your Operations Manager to focus on enhancing overall customer satisfaction.

5. You Can’t Forecast Growth Without Adding More Team Members

If scaling your operations seems impossible without increasing your headcount, it's time to consider AI. ItineraryAssist AI provides the extra capacity your existing team needs to manage more bookings without the necessity of hiring additional staff. This scalability is crucial for sustainable growth.

Is this really a priority for your company?

You may be reading this thinking “there are so many competing priorities, how much efficiency could we unlock?” Try our ItineraryAssist Savings Calculator. In 30 seconds you will have an estimate of the number of hours you could save per month, demonstrating the tangible benefits of integrating AI into your operations.

By weaving ItineraryAssist AI into your team's workflow, you can significantly reduce operational bottlenecks, improve efficiency, and unlock new growth opportunities all with your existing staff levels. It's time to let AI handle the repetitive tasks so your team can shine where they excel the most. Request a demo of ItineraryAssist AI today.


Case Study: AC Group and Itinerary Assist AI


RMS Cloud and TourConnect use AI to streamline manual reservations process