Itinerary Assist AI

Generate quotes faster. Improve response times.

Itinerary Assist AI is the secret weapon for innovative ITO and DMC Operations teams. Get extra capacity from your existing team, improving sales volume and conversion.

“AI itineraries have been a game changer for us. Our quote conversion rates improved by 40% within three months.”

— Rob Russell, AC Group (DMC)

AI Itineraries for Tourplan.

What does the itinerary creation process look like for DMCs that enable AI?


Will Itinerary Assist AI suit your DMC?


Operational Considerations

  • How much time does your team spend simply creating quotes for clients in Tourplan?

  • How much business are you losing from slow turnaround times?

  • What is your current conversion rate for quotes you send out?

  • How much additional revenue could you generate with a better conversion rate on your quotes?

Simple Setup

  • You don’t need to change your DMC booking software.

  • Integrates with Tourplan and Hero, two of the best DMC software packages available. Custom integrations are available and are reasonably priced.

  • Itinerary Assist AI features an email add-in for Reservation Agents and a web application for Access Control and Itinerary Rules Management.

How much time could you save?

Use our efficiency calculator to find out how many hours your operations team could save each month.

Itinerary Assist AI is a powerful copilot for human operations team members, enabling your skilled operations team to focus more on raising quality and customer service standards.


Game changing features and benefits.

The typical FIT itinerary creation process for DMCs involves a lot of manual steps. Our DMC clients would previously spend between 40-90 minutes manually creating an FIT itinerary. With that time reduced by 30-50%, their teams are able to focus on growing revenue.

  • Itinerary Assist AI streamlines the quote generation process, drastically reducing the time it takes to generate a quote for your clients.

  • Tourplan is one of the best DMC software packages available, with excellent reliability. When paired with Itinerary Assist AI, we enable DMC Reservations team to go to the next level. Itinerary Assist AI seamlessly integrates with Tourplan and most popular email systems, allowing Operations teams to create quotes and adjust itineraries without leaving their inbox.

  • Itinerary Assist AI can pull booking ID’s, service lines, and product descriptions from files, in any format, attached to booking emails - whether it’s 1 or 100 service lines per attachment.

  • Itinerary Assist AI finds the best matched service lines and additions for each itinerary, leveraging booking history and custom rules setup by your team.

  • Itinerary Assist AI can help less experienced Operations team members find service lines and add location extras that would otherwise need help from others.

Learn about the steps of our onboarding flow.


Unlock revenue growth by integrating AI.